SetPoliceGoal Tells the metrocop to guard an area defined by the specified ai_goal_police. Inputs EnableManhackToss Unchecks Prevent manhack toss. By default, metrocops deploy them at will. Number of Manhacks (manhacks) How many manhacks the metrocop has on him. Keyvalues Pistol starts drawn (weapondrawn) Spawns the metrocop with the pistol in hand.
33554432: Mid-range attacks (halfway between normal + long-range) - Tells the metrocop it does not prefer extreme long range combat (3500 units). If the metrocop is unable to respond for any of these reasons, one that can and is nearby will. 16777216: Allowed to respond to thrown objects - If the metrocop is carrying a stunstick, is not in a script, and gets something thrown at them, allow them to chase and hit the player. Deploying them can be allowed with EnableManhackToss.
8388608: Prevent manhack toss - Does not allow manhack deployment (which is allowed by default, if the metrocop is carrying any manhacks). (For reference, that's about the distance between the two forcefields on the bridge in d2_coast_07, so quite far away.) 4194304: No far stitching - Stops stitching if the player is over 6000 units away. 2097152: Arrest enemies - Enemies are "arrested". (Does affect an unused schedule, though.) 1048576: No chatter - Doesn't do anything except add the Gag flag.
Metropolice can only stitch if the player is in an airboat, unless this flag is checked.
524288: Always stitch - If the npc_metropolice is armed with an SMG and the player is beneath them, they'll shoot a meandering, closing path of bullets (like the first metrocop in d1_canals_07). 262144: Rappel (UNCHECK THIS IF IT IS CHECKED!) - No longer exists in code. 131072: Simple cops - Sets health to 26 instead of 40, uses more dramatic flinch animations when hurt.
Npc_metropolice health when the Simple cops flag is checked.ĭistance at which npc_metropolice will begin to attempt stitching. Sets whether npc_metropolice with pistols charge at the player. But if you're talking about sheer size, the steel and auto industries will remain at the top.Causes pre-criminal npc_metropolice with stunsticks to follow the player indefinitely. IT and the entire communications business clearly have the greatest potential for growth.